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Village Renewal, collective term for measures of regional planning aimed at adapting village structures to meet today´s social requirements. In the early 1980s the term "village renewal" mainly stood for activities aimed at improving the appearance of a village (village decoration, decoration of façades, restauration and maintenance of the original village structure); since the end of the 1980s it has also included cultural aspects aimed at improving the quality of life in rural areas. Projects on village renewal include the appearance of a village, neighbourly help, culture in the village, traffic reduction, improving the economic situation of villages, etc. The Austrian province of Lower Austria has been particularly active in village renewal.


Schriftenreihe des Club Niederoesterr., 1981ff.; Amt der Niederoesterreichischen Landesregierung (ed.), Niederoesterreich schoen erhalten - schoener gestalten, 1982ff.; idem, Wir erneuern unser Dorf, 1986ff.; C. Kirlinger, Dorferneuerung in Oesterreich, 1986; Erhaltung - Erneuerung, Zeitschrift fuer Stadt- und Dorferneuerung, 1989ff.; Amt der Burgenlaendischen Landesregierung (ed.), Unser Dorf, 1991ff.; B. Gawlik and O. Wawschinek (eds.), 2. Europaeischer Dorferneuerungs-Kongress, published by the Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fuer Land- und Forstwirtschaftspolitik, 1991.