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unbekannter Gast


Eberndorf, Carinthia, market town in the district of Voelkermarkt, alt. 476 m, pop. 5,922, area 67.67 km2, summer resort (161,175 overnight stays) and main village in Jauntal valley, southeast of Lake Klopein. - holiday home, professional school for rural home economics (Fachschule fuer laendliche Hauswirtschaft); large tourist industry, therefore dominant service sector (59 % of the workforce employed in the service sector in 1991); industries include fibre board production ( Funder Industrie GmbH), textile machinery and traditional costumes; pipe manifold production. - First documented mention as "Dobrendorf" in 1106. Former Augustinian monastery (1149/54-1604, since 1809 owned by the Benedictines of St. Paul, today used for cultural events and administration offices); the late Gothic collegiate church (parish church) with its free standing tower (15th  century) comprises a crypt (around 1390), frescoes (15th  century) and Baroque high altars; on Holmberg mountain late Gothic cemetery church with carved high altar (1780) and pedestal statues (17th  century). - Nearby are Lake Klopein, Lake Goesselsdorfersee, Lake Sonnegg and Lake Turnersee as well as the Edling run-of-river power station run by the Drau Power Station Company (built in 1962, 405,000 kWh; jointly owned by the municipalities Eberndorf and Voelkermarkt).


M. Siedler, Marktgemeinde Eberndorf einst und heute, 1992.