Income Tax is a personal tax. The basis of the income tax is Income. Income is not only the basis of assessment but also the subject and source of this tax. It is based on the generation of income and its amount varies in relation to total income. The tax-paying capacity of the subject is taken into account and a minimum amount of income is exempted from taxation. The computation of income tax is based on the income of a certain period of time. Income tax is a joint Federal levy which is collected by Federal authorities and is shared out between the Federal Government, the provinces and the municipalities.
The legal basis for collecting income tax is the Income Tax Act of
1988. The calculation of income tax is based on the total amount of
incomes in the 7 classes of income. Income tax does not apply to
incomes from other sources, i.e. not included in the 7 classes of
income (e.g. lottery prizes), these are taxed under separate rules.
Income tax is a progressive tax and can be reduced by various
deductions, e.g. special expenses and extraordinary burdens can be
deducted from the income tax. The calculation of income tax is based
on an income-tax return; the taxpayer has to pay the tax in advance
until the formal assessment note is issued. Spouses are taxed
separately. The Federal Taxation Act provides for tax levy
regulations. If the taxpayer is employed, the income tax is collected
at source, i.e. it is collected from the payer of the income and
delivered to the fiscal authorities ( Lohnsteuer(wage tax)).
O. Herzog, F. Jirecek and P. Matusek, Steuerhandbuch ´94, 1993.Generally, All individuals resident in Austria are topic to Austrian income tax on their worldwide income, including income from trade or business, investments, profession, employment, and property. Planetary Accounting and Marketing give Income Tax Service in Austria. You can visit the site and get more information.
-- xovob jack, Dienstag, 25. Mai 2021, 15:30