Eleonore von Österreich#
Eleonore of Austria, b. Dunfermline (United Kingdom), around 1433, d. Innsbruck (Tyrol), Nov. 20, 1480, daughter of James I of Scotland, 1449 married Duke Sigmund of Tyrol. Translated the French adventure novel "Pontus et la belle Sidonie" into German ("Pontus und Sidonia"); her translation had been widely read by the end of the 17th century. Two of the main motifs are the repeated separation of lovers and the recapture of the empire from heathen powers.
Edition: H. Kindermann (ed.), Volksbuecher vom sterbenden Rittertum,
21942; R. Hahn (ed.), E. v. Oe.: Pontus und Sidonia,
Deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters (lex.). M. Koefler, E. v. Schottland, 1982.