Ertl, Emil#
b. Vienna, March 11, 1860, d. Vienna, May 8, 1935, author and librarian. 1886-1927 library official in Graz. Considered one of the most important writers of Austrian regional and historical novels, along with P. Rosegger, whose biography ("P. Rosegger. Wie ich ihn kannte und liebte") he published in 1923. In his 4-volume novel series "Ein Volk an der Arbeit. 100 Jahre Deutsch-Oesterreich im Roman" (1906-1926), he describes the social development of Austria and the Austrian bourgeoisie between 1809 and 1918, using the story of a Viennese family of silk weavers as a basis.
Further works#
Liebesmaerchen, 1886; Der Neuhaeuselhof, 1913; Karthago, 1924; Meisternovellen, 1930; Menschenschicksale, 1948. - Gedichte, 1935. - Autobiographical works: Geschichten aus meiner Jugend, 1927; Lebensfruehling 1932.Literature#
E. Ladich, Die Auffassung der Geschichte Oesterreichs in den Romanen E. E., doctoral thesis, Vienna 1949.