Felbiger, Johann Ignaz von#
b. Glogow, Poland (then Glogau), Jan. 6, 1724, d. Bratislava, Slovakia (then Pressburg), May 17, 1788, reformer of the educational system, Augustinian Canon (from 1758 abbot) in Sagan. He was highly esteemed as a pedagogue for his reforms of Catholic schools in Silesia and in Glatz. In 1774 was called to Vienna by Maria Theresia. By introducing general school regulations, "Allgemeine Schulordnung", he completely reorganized the system of Austrian elementary education ( Deutsche Schule, Pfarrschule). He was dismissed by Joseph II and spent the last years of his life at the provostry of Bratislava.
Eigenschaften, Wiss. und Bezeigen rechtschaffener Schulleute, 1768; Methodenbuch fuer Lehrer der dt. Schulen, 1775; Kern des Methodenbuches, 1777.Literature#
H. Engelbrecht, J. I. F. und die Vereinheitlichung des Primarschulwesens in Oe., 21981.