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unbekannter Gast

Fischer, Heinz#

b. Graz (Styria), Oct. 9, 1938, law scholar and politician (Austrian Social Democratic Party, SPOe). 1959-1960 chairman of the Vienna Association of Austrian Socialist Students (VSStOe); since 1964 member of the National Party Executive Committee of the SPOe; since 1975 member of the Party Presidium; since 1979 vice-chairman of the SPOe; 1963-1975 secretary of the SPOe Parliamentary Group in the Nationalrat; 1971-1983 and since 1987 member of the Nationalrat; 1975-1983 and 1987-1990 chairman of the Parliamentary Group; 1983-1987 Federal Minister of Science and Research; since 1990 1st President of the Nationalrat. From 1978 lecturer on political science at the University of Innsbruck, since 1993 university professor.


Zum Wort gemeldet: O. Bauer, 1968 (ed.); Das politische System Oesterreichs, 1974 (ed.); Rote Markierungen, 1980; Forschungspolitik fuer die 90er Jahre, 1985 (ed.); Die Kreisky-Jahre 1967-83, 1993; Entscheidung fuer Europa, 1995; Reflexionen, 1998; Oesterreich und die Waehrungsunion, 1998 (ed.).