Women, Night Work by: the Federal Law on Nighttime Work Performed by Women of 1969, BGBl 1969/237 (FrNArbG), prohibits employing women to perform work at night. Night is defined as a period of time of at least 11 subsequent hours, embracing the hours between 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. The law also provides for numerous exceptions; in principle the prohibition of night work applies to office work, the service sector and the areas of production and trade. As a gender-specific ban of nighttime work violates decisions handed down by the European Court of Justice, the EU accession treaty allows for a transitional period for Austria up to the year 2001. Working Women, Protection of.
T. Mayer-Maly and F. Marhold, Oesterreichisches Arbeitsrecht, vol. 1, 1987; T. Tomandl, Arbeitsrecht, vol. 2, 1990.