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unbekannter Gast


Gaenserndorf, Lower Austria, town (1958) in the district of Gaenserndorf, alt. 167 m, pop. 6,509 (1981: pop. 4,916), area 30.56 km2, economic and administrative centre of the northern Marchfeld region. Due to the good transport link with Vienna (rapid transit lines) G. has become a residential suburb with commuting to Vienna. - Headquarters of the district authority, district and labour courts, tax office, employment services, Chamber of Labour, Economic Chamber, District Chamber of Agricultural and Allied Workers, district headquarters of the fire brigade, health and social insurance agency, Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitut (WIFI, Institute of Economic Research), co-ordination centre for applicants for political asylum and refugees, social centre of the Lower Austrian Hilfswerk welfare organisation, local history and petroleum museum, riding grounds, safari and adventure park (since 1972, approx. 50 species), sports hall, Bundesgymnasium and Bundesrealgymnasium secondary schools commercial academy (Handelsakademie, HAK). 4,071 persons employed in 1991: especially petroleum and mining industry (petroleum and natural gas company of the OMV group), service sector, social and public services, manufacturing crafts and industries; windows factory, production of food preservatives, concrete mixing works. - First documented mention 1115; basically late-Romanesque parish church with Gothic choir, Baroque reconstruction 1695 (expanded 1960/61); town hall (former nobleman´s house, originally 16th century); monumental fountain (1964).


Oesterr. Staedtebuch, vol. IV, part 1, Die Staedte Niederoesterreichs, 1988; F. Mueller, Gaenserndorf, 1989.