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unbekannter Gast


Glockner Mountain (Grossglockner), Carinthia/East Tirol, alt. 3,798 m, Austria´s highest mountain, situated at the border of Carinthia and East Tirol, on the crest of the Glocknergruppe Mountains. This particular crest extends towards the south of the Hohe Tauern mountain range. It consists of prasinite, a metamorphic igneous rock that is found in the slate of the Tauern mountain range. A characteristic feature of the Glockner, situated to the west of the Pasterze Glacier is its pyramid form. It consists of two peaks, the Grossglockner and the Kleinglockner (alt. 3,770 m), separated by the Glockner gap and surrounded by glaciers. On July 28, 1800, Salm-Reifferscheid, the Prince Bishop of Gurk, and Count Siegmund Hohenwart led a group of young men, F. Horasch (a priest), the Klotz brothers and two carpenters to the first ascent of the Glockner. Nowadays the peak can be reached from two directions, from the southeast, via the village of Heiligenblut in the Moelltal valley (Carinthia) and the mountain refuge Franz-Josefs Haus (burned down in 1997), or from the southwest, via the village of Kals (East Tirol) and the Lucknerhaus mountain refuge (alt. 1,918 m). Since 1980 access to the mountain from the southwest has also been possible via the "Kalser Glocknerstrasse". The road from a southeastern direction is the Grossglockner-Hochalpenstrasse.