Gloggnitz, Lower Austria, town in the district of Neunkirchen, alt. 457 m, pop. 5,996, area 19.55 km2, centre of industry and trade on the River Schwarza, between the Semmering area and the Steinfeld plain. - Local court, branch office of the district commission (youth office), district chamber of agriculture, Stuppach water power plant; about 54 % of the people employed (1991) work in the production sector: manufacture of textile screens, model railways, beverages and confectionery, machines, steel, casts and electronic equipment, quartzite and sand works, specialised printing shop, poultry farm (in Aue); also trade. - The town of Gloggnitz is situated on the ancient Semmering mule track, economic upswing in the 19th century due to industrialisation, town status since 1926. Gloggnitz Palace, former Benedictine provostry (1094-1803), with 16th century core, completed in 1741, Gothic church in the arcade courtyard, converted in Baroque style in 1741, now museum with flat stucco ceiling, high altar (1701) with statue of the Virgin Mary (14th century) and wall paintings (1597); Cardinal Piffl parish church by C. Holzmeister (1933/34), extended 1960/61. Dr. Karl Renner Museum, Mill Teaching Museum.
Oesterr. Staedtebuch, vol. IV, part 1, Die Staedte Niederoesterreichs, 1988.