Gunskirchen, Upper Austria, market town in the district of Wels-Land, alt. 352 m, pop. 4,961 (1981: pop. 4,371), area 36.19 km2, industrial and commercial market town on the Gruenbach stream southwest of Wels. - Centre of cultural and commercial activities; approx. 69 % of the working population (1991) employed in the manufacturing industry: engine factory (combustion and aeroplane engines), construction of mill machinery and equipment, production of façade panels and plastic parts, 2 window manufacturers (plastics and wood), cast-stone works, bituminous mixing plant, paper-processing industry, production of corrugated cardboard and cardboard packaging, printing works, construction of trailers, gravel works, sawmill and production of wooden prefabs; also medium-sized to large commercial enterprises (wedding dresses, motor vehicles, etc.). - Late Gothic parish church with stellar and reticulated vaults and neo-Gothic interior, some sculptures from the 15th - 18th centuries.