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unbekannter Gast

Gusinde, Martin#

b. Wroclaw, Poland (then Breslau), Oct. 29, 1886, d. Moedling (Lower Austria), Oct. 10, 1969, ethnologist, anthropologist, missionary. University professor in Washington and teacher at the St. Gabriel Mission ( Missionshaus St. Gabriel) near Moedling. Research into the customs of the natives in Tierra del Fuego, became a member of their tribe, expeditions in Central Africa. first to visit the Ayom Pygmies in New Guinea in 1956.


Die Feuerland-Indianer, 3 vols., 1931-1939; Die Kongo-Pygmaeen, 1942; Urmenschen im Feuerland, 1947; Urwaldmenschen am Ituri, 1948; Die Twa-Pygmaeen in Ruanda, 1949; Die Twiden, 1956.