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unbekannter Gast


Haiming, Tirol, municipality in the district of Imst, alt. 670 m, pop. 3,463, area 40.20 km2, summer tourism (90,478 overnight stays), rafting centre on the right bank of the upper River Inn; situated in the Pitztal-Imst skiing region. Transformer stations of the TIWAG and Verbundgesellschaft power-supply companies and of OeBB Austrian railways; wood (particularly furniture) and metal industry (radiators, machinery), building trade, trade, collection and recycling of waste materials. - Gothic parish church with Baroque alterations (after 1761), modern parish church (1962-1964) in the Oetztal district of Haiming, numerous chapels (17th -19th centuries), numerous Oberinntaler Paarhof (twin farm) buildings typical of the Oberinntal region.


K. Hofer and A. Bachler, Haiming Ortsbild und Geschichte, 1979; K. Hofer and A. Bachler, Haiming in Wort und Bild, 1984.