Hainfeld, Lower Austria, town in the district of Lilienfeld, alt. 439 m, pop. 3,677, area 44.74 km2, industrial town and centre of the Goelsental valley, at the foot of the Kirchberg mountain (922 m). - District court, branch office of the District Commission (youth department), sports centre; 1991 about 63 % of all employed persons worked in the manufacturing sector; metal-working industry predominant: manufacture of bolts and screws, locksmith products, metal products (stainless steel products, kitchen equipment), brewery (first documented mention 1678), dairy, growing transport sector. - First documented mention around 1105-22 as "Haganvelt". Since 1928 town status, 1945 severe war damage; late-Gothic parish church with high-Gothic choir (around 1400) and bulky west tower, crucifix (beginning of 16th century).
H. Bauernnebel and L. Felber, Hainfeld, 1965; Oesterr. Staedtebuch, vol. IV, part 2, Die Staedte Niederoesterreichs, 1976.