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unbekannter Gast

Heinrich II. Jasomirgott#

b. 1107 (?), d. Vienna, Jan. 13, 1177, son of Margrave Leopold III; Margrave of Austria, later Duke of Austria, member of the Babenberg family. 1140 Count Palatine near Rhein, 1141 Margrave of Austria, 1143-1156 also Duke of Bavaria, from 1156 Duke of Austria. In 1146 defeated by the Hungarians, in 1147/1148 took part in the 2nd Crusade, after tough negotiations, achieved the Privilegium minus of Sept. 17, 1156 (giving Austria the status of a hereditary duchy), supported the policy of Emperor Friedrich I against Pope Alexander III and had to fight against all the neighbouring countries. H. established his capital in Vienna where in 1147 the foundation-stone for Saint Stephen's Cathederal was laid. In 1155 founded the Schotten monastery. During his rule many convents and fortified cities were built. In 1142 married his first wife Gertrud (d. 1143), daughter of Emperor Lothar III and widow of Heinrich the Proud Hearted of Bavaria. His second marriage (1148) was to Theodora Komnena, daughter of Sebastokrator Andronikos and niece of Emperor Manuel I of Byzantium. At the end of 13th century he was given the nickname "Jochsamergott" (meaning unknown), which later became "Jasomirgott".


K. Lechner, Die Babenberger, 51994; NDB.