Heister, Sigbert Graf#
b. Kirchberg an der Raab (Styria), 1646, d. Kirchberg an der Raab (Styria), Feb. 22, 1718, army commander. His father Gottfried (from the Friuli-Giulia region, 1609-1679) was Vice President of the imperial war council. In 1683 H. fought near Vienna, 1690 in Transylvania, 1697 in the battle near Zenta, 1703 in Bavaria and the Tyrol, 1704 Field Marshal and supreme commander of the army in Slovakia against the Magyar rebels, over whom he gained victory on Dec. 26, 1704 near Tyrnau. 1705 was recalled, in 1706 in action again, in Italy, 1708 in Hungary (victory near Trencín, Aug. 4, 1708), 1716 against the Turks in Banat and 1717 near Belgrade, where his son was killed in action. In 1704 H. had Kirchberg castle converted into the most beautiful building of the Baroque period in east Styria.
G. Hopfinger, Biographie des Feldmarschalls H., doctoral thesis, Vienna 1939; M. Braubach, Prinz Eugen, 5 vols., 1963-1965.