Hermann, Mönch von Salzburg#
Hermann, Moench von Salzburg (Monk of Salzburg); Middle High German poet; lived in the second half of the 14th century; worked under the Archbishop of Salzburg, Pilgrim II. Wrote a great number of religious and secular songs, although their origin is not totally certain, probably also wrote the so-called "Planetenkinderverse".
Editions: F. V. Spechtler, Die geistl. Lieder des Moenches
v. Sbg., 1972; J. Heimrath, M. Korth et al., Der Moench v. Sbg.,
1980; C. Maerz (ed.), Die weltl. Lieder des Moenchs v. Sbg., 1999.
F. V. Spechtler, Ma. Liedforschung, in: Jb. der Oswald v. Wolkenstein-Ges. 1, 1981; B. Wachinger, Der Moench v. Sbg., 1989; M. Payer, Das relig. Weltbild des Moenchs v. Sbg. in den geistl. Liedern G 33, G 34, G 37 und G 46, 2000; Deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters (lex.).