Herzl, Theodor#
b. Budapest (Hungary), May 2, 1860, d. Edlach (municipality of Reichenau, Lower Austria), July 3, 1904, author, journalist. 1891-1894 correspondent on the newspaper "Neue Freie Presse" in Paris; while studying law, member of the "Albia" German Nationalist students' (duelling) fraternity, with his papers "Der Judenstaat" (1896) substantiated theoretical Zionism; with O. Marmorek and M. Nordau initiated the first Zionist World Congress in Basle in 1897. The establishment of the Jewish national state of Israel in 1948 was a continuation of his ideas.
Other publications: Altneuland, 1902 (utopian novel); Feuilletons, 2
vols., 1903; Philosophische Erzaehlungen, 1919. - Editions: Gesammelte
zionistische Werke, 5 vols., 1934/1935; Hebraeische Gesamtausgabe, 20
vols., 1954ff; A. Bein (ed.), Briefe und Tagebuecher, ed. by A. Bein,
7 vols., 1983-1996.
N. Leser (ed.), T. H. und das Wien des Fin de siècle, 1987; Internationales T.-H.-Symposion, 3 vols., 1997-2000; NDB.