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unbekannter Gast


Herzogenburg, Lower Austria, town in the district of St. Poelten, alt. 229 m, pop. 7,461, area 46.03 km2, town in the lower Traisen valley, north of St. Poelten. - District court, branch office of the District Commission St. Poelten (youth welfare office), local Chamber of Farmers, Volksheim cultural centre, waterworks. - Manufacturing sector dominates (about 59 % of all 3,287 employees 1991): metal-working industry (foundry with manufacture of locks and engine parts, manufacture of galvanised sheet iron), production of feeds, industrial gases, concrete and glassware as well as prefabricated concrete ceilings, chimney manufacture, mills; important trade sector (tractors, livestock, large central depot for textiles, etc.). - Settlements in the Herzogenburg area since the Neolithic period; first documented mention 1014. The name Herzogenburg derives from a fortress owned by the counts Wilhelm and Engelschalk (approx. 865-870); granted town status 1927. Monastery of the Augustinian Canons (1244, founded 1112 in St. Georgen an der Traisen); collegiate church (consecrated 1286), rebuilt 1743-48 under F. Munggenast, tower (1766/67) by M. Munggenast, elaborate interior decoration with Rococo stucco, frescoes by B. Altomonte (1753-1755), high altar (1769/70), painting by D. Gran (1746), side altar paintings by B. Altomonte (1760-1771); remains of the medieval monastery have been preserved, Baroque monastery based on plans by J. Prandtauer, finished by J. Munggenast (1714-1740), main hall of the east wing (1716-1718) by J. B. Fischer v. Erlach; ceiling frescoes (1772) by B. Altomonte; medieval works of art (around 1500) in the monastery´s museum, in the Baroque picture gallery, works from the 17th and 18th  centuries; important library, archaeological collection (finds from the Traisen valley, e.g. Roman visored helmet 2nd century A.D.). Village of Heiligenkreuz-Gutenbrunn with church (1755-1758) by J. Ohmeyer; ceiling paintings and side altar paintings by A. F. Maulbertsch; high altar (1757) by J. Hetzendorf von Hohenberg. Palace (17th century), façade altered 1755-1758, chapel with ceiling paintings by P. Troger (1759). Since 1964 Baroque museum.


H. L. Werneck, Heimatbuch der Stadtgemeinde Herzogenburg, vol. 1., 1961; Oesterr. Staedtebuch, vol. IV, part 2, Die Staedte Niederoesterreichs, 1976; H. Egger, Stift Herzogenburg, 1982; A. Rupp and H. D. Schmidtbauer, Herzogenburg, 1991.