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unbekannter Gast


Heuriger, wine from last harvest, term also used for taverns where the Heuriger wine is served. The proximity of vineyards to the city led to this particular form of wine consumption in Vienna. A real Viennese Heuriger wine tavern is marked by a bunch of pine twigs (= Foehrenbusch, from which derives the term "Buschenschank" also used to designate this particular kind of wine tavern) or a wreath of pine hung above the entrance to the tavern meaning that the tavern is open and that the wine-grower is allowed to serve wine for a given period. Apart from their own wine, the vintners may also serve certain foods. After the feast day of Martini (November 11) of the following year the wine is called "old" wine. The legal basis for the right to run a Heuriger tavern was established under Joseph II on August 17, 1784; now part of regional law in the provinces of Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland and Styria.