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unbekannter Gast

Hillebrand, Franz Anton#

b. Vienna, April 2, 1719, d. Vienna, Jan. 25, 1797, architect. 1739/40 assisted in the building of the Wuerzburg residence, 1745 made a survey of the Vienna Hofburg, 1757 architect of the Hungarian Hofkammer, between 1757 and 1797 built almost all public buildings in Hungary (rebuilt the castles of Buda and Bratislava); 1772 court architect in Vienna, successor to N. Pacassi.


conversion of the Jesuitenprofesshaus Am Hof into Imperial War Council (demolished in 1909); alterations to the Hungarian embassy, Barbara church, Dietrichstein palace and Rottal palace in Vienna; many palaces in Bratislava (Pressburg).
