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unbekannter Gast

Hornung, Maria#

Hornung, Maria, b. Vienna, May 31, 1920, linguist, dialectologist, onomatologist, 1980-1985 professor at the university of Vienna; co-author of the dictionary of Bavarian dialects in Austria, founded the sound archives of Austrian dialects in collaboration with the Austrian phonographic archives; pioneering work for the study of linguistic enclaves (foundation of the Austrian Museum of Linguistic Enclaves in Vienna), co-editor of the Oesterreichisches Woerterbuch.


Woerterbuch der deutschen Sprachinselmundart von Pladen/Sappada in Karnien (Italy), 1972; Lexikon oe. Familiennamen, 1989; Woerterbuch der Wr. Mundart, 1998; Die oe. Mundarten, 2000.


Mundart und Name im Sprachkontakt, Festschrift fuer M. H., 1990.