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unbekannter Gast

Hundsheimer Berge#

Hundsheimer Berge Hills (Hainburg Hills), Lower Austria, forested island mountain range in the extreme east of Lower Austria; geologically they form part of the Western Carpathians and extend from the bank of the River Danube near Hainburg to northern Burgenland. Partly composed of mica schist and granite gneiss and of limestone, fractured, on the surface (highest point 480 m) levelled to a wavy torso plain, separated from the Western Carpathians by the Hainburg Gap (breakthrough of the River Danube) and from the Leithagebirge mountains by the Bruck Gate (with the River Leitha). The limestone hillsides are partly covered with shrubs and partly barren, limestone quarries supply road metal. To the southwest lies the Spitzerberg hill (293 m) with its gliding airfield.