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unbekannter Gast

Illich, Ivan#

b. Vienna, Sept. 4, 1926, priest, social philosopher, critic of civilisation. Had to leave grammar school because of national socialist racial laws, took the higher school-leaving examination in Florence and studied in Rome. After ordination, worked in a Puerto Rican slum in New York and was elected vice-rector of the Catholic University in Puerto Rico in 1956. After conflict with the established Church he founded the "Centro intercultural de documentación" (CIDOC) in Cuernavaca (Mexico), which devotes itself to cultural development aid and has developed into an intellectual centre of Latin America. Because of increasing conflicts with Rome, he resigned from priesthood in 1969. Since the 1980s he has lived in Mexico, the USA and Germany; in his books and as a professor at universities in Bremen and Pennsylvania he deals with questions of global development, science and education.


Celebration of Awareness, 1970 (Almosen und Folter. Verfehlter Fortschritt in Lateinamerika, 1970); Deschooling Society, 1971 (Die Entschulung der Gesellschaft, 1973); Tools for Conviviality, 1973 (Selbstbegrenzung, 1975); Energy and Equity, 1974 (Die sogenannte Energiekrise, 1974); Medical Nemesis, 1975 (Die Enteignung der Gesundheit), 1975); Gender, 1983 (Genus, 1983); H<SUB>2</SUB>O and the Waters of Forgetfulness, 1985 (H<SUB>2</SUB>O und die Wasser des Vergessens, 1987); Was macht den Menschen krank, 1991.