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Interpellation, Right of, means of political control exercised by legislative organs over the executive branch. The Nationalrat and Bundesrat have the power to check the activities of the federal government, to question its members (chancellor, vice chancellor, other federal ministers) about all matters of execution and demand all the relevant information. A special form of this "classic" right is the urgent interpellation, which has to be dealt with in the same sitting of the representative body in question. Other forms in which this right can be exercised are question time and "debates on matters of topical interest". Accordingly each deputy of the Nationalrat and each member of the Bundesrat is able to make brief oral enquiries with the members of the federal government during the sitting of the representative. body The Landtage have similar rights of political control.


R. Walter and H. Mayer, Grundriss des oesterreichischen Bundesverfassungsrechts, 71992.