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unbekannter Gast

Jandl, Ernst#

Jandl, Ernst, b. Vienna, Aug. 1, 1925, d. Vienna, June 9, 2000, important experimental poet, author of radio and theatre plays. Studied German and English language and literature at the university of Vienna, 1949-1979 teacher at a grammar school in Vienna, from 1954 friendship with F. Mayroecker. In 1966 J. achieved his breakthrough with the volume of poems "Laut und Luise" ("Sound and Luise"), with poems like "schtzngrmm" and "lichtung", which became especially popular. Under the influence of Expressionism, Dadaism, the Wiener Gruppe of experimental poets as well as concrete poetry J. has developed diverse forms of experimental writing. His specific and highly expressive form of recitation has always played a major role. Playing with language and distorting it (linguistic concoctions), he attempts to present "damaged life" with all its deficits ("wien heldenplatz"). J. has also made innovative contributions to radio plays ("Fuenf Mann Menschen"/"A Crew of Five", 1971, together with F. Mayroecker) and drama ("Aus der Fremde", premiere in 1979). Member of the "Forum Stadtpark", an interest group of artists, scientists and persons engaged in the cultural sector; co-founder of the Grazer Autorenversammlung (association of authors in Graz) which he presided over from 1983-1987. Awards include the prize of the German War Blind for radioplays in 1968, the Grand Austrian State Prize and Buechner Prize in 1984, Oesterreichisches Ehrenzeichen fuer Wissenschaft und Kunst ("Award for Arts and Science") in 1990, Kleist Prize in 1993, and others.

Further works#

Poems: Andere Augen ("Other Eyes"), 1956; Hosi-Anna!, 1966; sprechblasen ("Speech Bubbles"), 1968; wischen moechten, 1974; die bearbeitung der muetze ("Hat Manipulation"), 1978; der gelbe hund, 1980; augenspiel, 1981; falamaleikum, 1983; selbstportraet des schachspielers als trinkende uhr, 1983; im delikatessenladen, 1988; idyllen, 1989; der beschriftete sessel, 1991; Stanzen, 1992. - Drama: Die Humanisten, 1977 (also radio play). Editions: Gesammelte Werke, Gedichte, Stuecke, Prosa, 3 vols., edited by K. Siblewski, 1985; Poetische Werke, 11 vols., 1997-1999.


E. J. Materialienbuch, edited by W. Schmidt-Dengler, 1982; E. J. - Daten, Texte, Bilder, edited by K. Siblewski, 1990; V. Kaukoreit (ed.), E. J., 1996; K. Siblewski, A komma Punkt - E. J. Ein Leben in Texten und Bildern, 2000; M. Vogt (ed.), "Stehn Jandl gross hinten drauf". Interpretationen zu Texten E. J., 2000.