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unbekannter Gast

Jenbach, Markt#

Jenbach, Tirol, market town in the district of Schwaz, alt. 563 m, pop. 6,188, area 15.22 km2, south of Lake Achen on Kasbach, a brook in the Lower Inn Valley. - Kolpinghaus Organisation centre, multipurpose hall, Hoehere Technische Lehranstalt fuer Betriebstechnik (secondary school with focus on industrial engineering), adult education centre, electric power station (private), Achenseewerk J. Storage Power Station (built 1927, 79 Megawatts); 2,889 employed in 1991: textiles (knitwear) and machine-building (railway cars, compressors), manufacture of nirosta receptacles, plastics processing; private railways of economic significance: Zillertal railway, Achensee railway (cogwheel steam railway); some tourism (34,196 overnight stays). - From the 15th century, silver and copper smelting, 1685-1839 ironworks, former scythe works, now an industrial monument. Gothic parish church (1488-1500, renovated in Baroque style around 1735) with Baroque frescoes, high altar with cross of Damian (1959), guild poles (around 1512); Protestant church (1968). Waterfall on Weissenbach stream.


Jenbach-Buch, 1953; H. Baar, Beitraege zur Geschichte von Jenbach nach 1945, master´s thesis, Innsbruck 1990.