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unbekannter Gast

Joseph August, Erzherzog von Österreich#

Joseph August, b. Alcsut (Hungary), Aug. 9, 1872, d. Rain near Straubing (Germany), July 6, 1962, Archduke of Austria, eldest son of Archduke Joseph Karl Ludwig. Trained to be an officer, joined in 1902 the Hungarian Honved (reserve army), 1911 field marshal lieutenant, 1914 commander of the VIIth corps at the Russian front, 1917 commander of the Austro-Hungarian units in Eastern-Transylvania, in July 1918 commander of the army group in the Tyrol named after him, field marshal. From October 26, 1918 "Homo regius" in Hungary, from August 7 until August 23, 1919 Administrator of the Realm, succeeded by N. Horthy. Highly talented in cultural matters, president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences from 1936-1944.


B. Hamann (ed.), Die Habsburger, 41993.