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Youth Organisations: Austrian youth organisations are mainly oriented towards particular philosophies or political viewpoints, religions, or labour unions. The most important children´s and youth organisations are united under the umbrella organisation Bundesjugendring, Oesterreichischer (OeBJR), which represents the interests of young people to the public, the government, and public representatives and authorities in Austria, and establishes contacts to youth organisations in other countries. The religious youth organisations include, among others, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Katholischer Jugend Oesterreichs (AKJOe, a Catholic association), the Evangelisches Jugendwerk in Oesterreich (EJW, Protestant), the Jugendgemeinschaft Christlichen Lebens in Oesterreich (JGCL, Christian), and the Katholische Jungschar Oesterreichs (KJS, Catholic). Among the politically oriented youth organisations are the Junge OeVP (Young Austrian People´s Party, JVP), the Oesterreichische Kinderwelt (children´s organisation of the above-mentioned JVP), the Sozialistische Jugend Oesterreichs (Socialist Youth of Austria, SJOe), the Rote Falken Oesterreichs (social-democratic children´s movement), the Kinderfreunde (children´s organisation belonging to the Austrian Social Democratic Party), the Ring Freiheitlicher Jugend (RFJ, associated with the Austrian Freedom Party), as well as youth organisations of the KPOe (Austrian Communist Party), such as Kinderland and the Kommunistische Jugend Oesterreichs/Junge Linke (KJOe). A large number of Austrian young people belong to labour organisations such as the Oesterreichische Gewerkschaftsjugend (OeGJ), the Oesterreichische Jungarbeiterbewegung (OeJAB), or the Oesterreichische Landjugend (OeLJ), to organisations similar to the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, such as the Oesterreichischer Pfadfinderbund (OePB) or the Oesterreichische Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen (OePP), or to organisations such as the Naturfreundejugend Oesterreichs (NFJ, a nature organisation) or the Oesterreichischer Alpenvereinsjugend (youth organisation of the Austrian Alpine Club). All youth organisations offer group-oriented recreational activities for young people and try to convey their respective values to their members.