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unbekannter Gast

Jugendrotkreuz, Österreichisches, ÖJRK#

Youth Red Cross, Austrian, established in 1922, re-established in 1948, independent, non-political organisation, whose goal is to interest young people in humanitarian ideals and considerate behaviour, and motivate them to help other people. Sub-organisation of the Austrian Red Cross. As an educational organisation involving teachers, parents, and schoolchildren, the Austrian Youth Red Cross maintains a particularly close relationship with schools. The Austrian Youth Red Cross also endeavours to promote the ideas of the Red Cross (Geneva Red Cross Convention plus supplementary protocols) and is involved in social campaigns, emergency aid, promotion of peace, disaster assistance, development co-operation, training and adult education, health education and road safety training, and reading and media education, as well as youth work outside the school.


OeJRK-Arbeitsblaetter; Magazines for schoolchildren: Mini-Spatzenpost, Spatzenpost, Kleines Volk, JOe and Topic.