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Katholische Aktion Österreichs, KAÖ#

Catholic Action of Austria (CAA), Catholic association of lay persons who take an active interest in apostolic work under the direction of the dioceses. A distinction is normally made between general and specialized Catholic Action organisations. The specialised groups of the CAA are limited to members of a given profession or interest group. Specialized CA organisations in Austria are: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Katholische Jugend, Katholische Arbeiterjugend, Katholische Schueler/innen-Jugend (Catholic Youth Organisation), Katholische Jungschar (Catholic Children´s Organisation), Katholische Arbeitnehmerbewegung (Catholic Workers Organisation), Katholische Frauenbewegung (Catholic Women´s Organisation), Katholische Maennerbewegung (Catholic Men´s Organisation), Katholischer Akademikerverband (Association of Catholic University Graduates), Katholische Hochschuljugend (Association of Catholic Students), Verband christlicher Unternehmer (Association of Catholic Entrepreneurs) and Arbeitsgemeinschaft Katholischer Journalisten (Association of Catholic Journalists). Other CAA associations are: the Arbeitsgemeinschaften Katholisches Familienwerk and Katholisches Bildungswerk (Associations focusing on family and educational matters), the Academy of the Apostolate, the Literary Forum and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Dioezesansportgemeinschaften (Central Organisation of Diocesan Sports Clubs). The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Katholischer Soldaten (Association of Catholic Soldiers) is a diocesan organisation in its own right.


M. Lehner, Von der Bruecke zum Bollwerk, 1992.