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unbekannter Gast

Kneissl, Franz Eberhard#

b. Judenburg (Styria), Feb. 9, 1945, architect. 1966-1970 student of E. A. Plischke at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. 1973 Josef-Frank-Scholarship, from 1974 until the mid-1980s member of the IGIRIEN group, (together with W. Appelt and E. Prochazka). Favoured architectural minimalism; used prefabricated components; applied elements of the collage to the aesthetics of daily life.

Projects: Vienna: multipurpose buildings for churches at: Rennweg (1977), Jedlersdorfer Strasse (1979/1980) and Quadenstrasse (1980/1981); Stadtkino cinema (1981); residential complex Simmeringer Haide (1988-1991); Remise Engerthstrasse events centre. - Lower Austria: Reconstruction of the post office and the municipal authority buildings of Perchtoldsdorf (1983-1985). - Publication: Dichte Packung, 1989 (with O. Kapfinger).