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unbekannter Gast

Kollmann, Josef#

b. Ljubljana, Slovenia (then Laibach), Oct. 23, 1868, d. Baden (Lower Austria), June 16, 1951, politician (Christian Social Party), merchant. 1919-1934 Mayor of Baden, 1919-1920 member of the Constituent National Assembly, 1920-1934 member of the Nationalrat, 1926 Minister of Finance. Initiated the construction of the Baden Casino, opposed the corporative state. In 1940 the National Socialists tried him in vain for alleged misuse of official authority and misappropriation of the money in the so-called "K-Fonds" entrusted to him.


Der Prozess K., ed. by J. K., 1946; H. Meissner, J. K. (1868-1951), 2000.