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Kortner, Fritz eigentlich Fritz Nathan Kohn#

Kortner, Fritz (real name: Fritz Nathan Kohn), b. Vienna, May 12, 1892, d. Munich (Germany), July 22, 1970, film actor and director. 1919-1933 engagements in Berlin, then in Vienna (Volkstheater, Raimundtheater, Theater in der Josefstadt). Great success as Richard III, Othello and Wurm in Schiller´s "Kabale und Liebe" (director: M. Reinhardt). Acted in films ("Dreyfus", 1930; "Danton", 1931) and directed films ("Der brave Suender", 1931, with H. Ruehmann). In 1938 emigrated to the USA, returning in 1949 to Europe, where he worked as a director for stage and screen until his death. His productions had great impact on the group of directors around P. Zadek and P. Stein (1970 last production: "Emilia Galotti" at the Theater in der Josefstadt in Vienna). Received the Kainz Medal in 1967.

Work: Aller Tage Abend, 1959 (autobiography).


K. Voelker (ed.), F. K. als Schauspieler und Regisseur, 1987; P. Schuetze, F. K., 1994; NDB.