Kreisler, Georg#
b. Vienna, July 18, 1922, composer, author, revue artist. While in exile in the USA composed film music in Hollywood (e.g. for Charlie Chaplin); responsible for troop welfare in the US-army. Worked as a singer of chansons in New York, returned to Vienna as an American citizen in1955. With G. Bronner managed the "Intime Theater" (a revue theatre), 1956-1958 (performances with C. Merz, H. Qualtinger, P. Wehle and L. Martini in the revue "Blattl vor'm Mund"). Went to Munich, later to Berlin with his then wife and partner T. Kueppers, 1958. Wrote numerous plays for the stage and for television.
Collection of songs: Zwei alte Tanten tanzen Tango; Nichtarische Arien. - Satires: Worte ohne Lieder, 1986; Ist Wien ueberfluessig?, 1987. - Autobiography: Die alten, die boesen Lieder, 1989. - Novels: Ein Prophet ohne Zukunft, 1990; Der Schattenspringer, 1996. - Satiric opera: Der Aufstand der Schmetterlinge, 2000.Literature#
H. Pointner, Schlaglichter auf G. K., 1993.