Krumbach, Gemeinde#
Krumbach, Lower Austria, market town in the district of Wiener Neustadt, alt. 533 m, pop. 2,225, area 43,91 km2, situated in the Bucklige Welt region. - Weisses Kreuz convent (nuns occupied with the welfare of the poor); building industry and catering trade, joiner's shops. - Parish church of St. Stephan, remodelled in the Baroque style, former Gothic fortified church with choir tower; parish house ornamented with Baroque pediments; huge fortified castle, built from 1548 to 1571 under Erasmus von Puchheim, extended to a nearly square building with a keep, double ring work with so-called Turkish turrets, castle chapel (middle of the 17th century), today castle hotel; Late Gothic cemetery church on the outskirts of the town.
Marktgemeinde Krumbach (ed.), 800 Jahre Krumbach, 1182-1982, 1982.