Kuh, Emil#
b. Vienna, Dec. 13, 1828, d. Meran, South Tirol. Dec. 30, 1876, narrative writer, feuilletonist, literary historian and critic. From 1864 Professor of German language and literature at the Vienna Handelsakademie, friend and biographer of F. Hebbel, wrote portraits of writers.
Drei Erzaehlungen, 1857; Gedichte, 1858; Zwei Dichter Oesterreichs (F. Grillparzer and A. Stifter), 1872; Kritische und literarhistorische Aufsaetze, 1910. - Ed.: F. Halms Werke, 1856-72 (with F. Pachler); F. Hebbel, 2 vols., 1877; F. Hebbel, Saemtliche Werke (Collected Works), 12 vols., 1891.Literature#