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unbekannter Gast

Lamarr, Hedy eigentlich Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler#

b. Vienna, Nov. 9, 1914, d. Orlando, Florida, Jan. 19, 2000, film actress and inventor; first marriage to F. Mandl. First major film part in "Sturm im Wasserglas" (1931), made a name for herself in 1933 on account of a scandal caused by a nude scene in her film "Ecstasy". Emigrated to the USA in 1938, but had only little success there ("Samson and Delilah", 1949). Invented a radio-wave remote control for torpedoes for the US Navy (US Patent, 1942), which contributed decisively to the development of mobile phones.


Ecstasy and Me, 1966 (Autobiography).


P. Kranzpiller, H. Lamarr, 1997; P. Koerte, H. L., 2000.