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Landbund, "Deutsche Bauernpartei" (German peasants´ party), political party founded in 1919 by liberal and Protestant peasants in Styria, Carinthia and Upper Austria; in favour of the Anschluss (union with Germany), anti-Marxist and corporative ideology; rejected the Heimwehr (para-military force); was part of the government from 1927 until 1933. During this period the vice-chancellor and the minister of the interior came from this party (K. Hartleb, V. Schumy, F. Winkler). In 1930 it formed a political bloc for the elections with the German Nationalists, called "Nationalistischer Wirtschaftsblock" (Nationalist Economic Bloc). The party was dissolved in 1934. When the provisional government was formed in 1945, one seat was reserved for the Landbund but the party did not survive in the Second Republic.


A. Wandruszka, Der Landbund in Oesterreich, in: K. Gollwitzer (ed.), Europ. Bauernparteien, 1977.