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unbekannter Gast


Landeck, Tirol, town in the district of Landeck, alt. 805 m, pop. 7,411, area 15.87 km2. Traffic junction (east-west and north-south) at the junction of Rivers Sanna and Inn in the Oberinn valley. - District Commission, district court, district fire brigade, district forestry authority, fiscal authority, job centre, health agency, surveying agency; Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Labour, Chamber of Agriculture, health insurance agency, information centre and advisory board, public library. Schools: federal mathematics-oriented secondary school (Bundesrealgymnasium), federal upper-section mathematics-oriented secondary school (Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium), commercial academy (Handelsakademie), kaufmaennische Berufsschule (vocational school of trade and commerce), Berufsschule fuer Gastgewerbe (vocational hotel and catering school), landwirtschaftliche Haushaltungsschule (school of rural domestic science), vocational training centre, school of Alpinism. Cable car to the Krahberg mountain (2,208 m); the tertiary sector is predominant, with about 67 % of employees out of a total of 3,886 (1991): wholesale and retail trade, (especially: shoes, textiles, electrical appliances, travel agencies), forwarding agents; processing industries (industrial estate in Perfuchs): textile industry (spinning mills, clothing) and chemical industry (carbide production), machine-building, structural steel engineering, wood working industry, large industries (building industry and supporting industries, installation companies), and especially electronic data processing. - First documentary mention in 1266. It emerged in 1900 when the settlements Angedair, Perfuchs, Perfuchsberg, Sanna, Perjen and Bruggen were merged. Chartered in 1923; ancient traffic junction (north-south junction "Via Claudia Augusta" and west-east junction Arlberg mountain - Inn valley) on the Arlberg road and railway. - Basilican parish church in late Gothic style (the only one of its kind in North Tirol, consecrated in 1493 and 1521) with a winged altar-piece in late Gothic style; Capuchin church (consecrated in 1752); Burschlkirche church (consecrated in 1656); Landeck Castle (13th century, extensions were built in the 15th and 16th centuries) with murals (1522). The castle was turned into a local museum between 1967 and 1973 (oldest playing cards of the German-speaking countries, which were found in Fliess, art treasures of Tirol). Customs and traditions: Scheibenschlagen (the "beating of glowing discs"), an Alemannic tradition on "Funkensonntag" (the first Sunday in Lent).


Landecker Buch, 2 vols., 1956; Oesterr. Staedtebuch, vol. V, part 1, Die Staedte Tirols, 1980; Stadtgemeinde Landeck (ed.), Das Buch der Stadt Landeck, 1973.