Ledochowska, Maria Theresia Gräfin Pseudonyme Alexander Halka, Africanus#
Ledóchowska, Countess Maria Theresia (pseudonym: Alexander Halka, Africanus), b. Loosdorf (Lower Austria), April 29, 1863, d. Rome (Italy), July 6, 1922, missionary and founder of a congregation; sister of Ursula Ledóchowska. From 1888 founded societies against slavery and in 1894 the St. Petrus Claver Sodality for African missions (a religious community bound by vows) in Salzburg; established printing offices for religious African books and from 1889 edited the missionary magazine "Echo aus Afrika" (translated into 10 languages). Beatified, 1975.
M. T. Walzer, Auf neuen Wegen, 1972; M. Winowska, Das Geheimnis der M. T. L., 1977.