School Performance Assessment, performance assessment of pupils became necessary when the number of pupils increased and a system of classes with homogeneous performance was introduced ( Jesuit School and Educational Organisation). The assessment of performance was at the centre of attention when selective measures were used to control the flow of pupils, but was not standardised in Austria until 1923. The main differences lie in the number of grades (the Jesuits, for instance, used 6 marks or grades, in the Maria-Theresian period 3 grades were customary, in 1905 in primary schools and in the Buergerschulen 5; in 1908 a four-grade assessment system was introduced in secondary schools and from 1923 onwards also in primary and lower secondary schools, from 1938 until 1945 6, since 1946 5). The performance assessment is expressed in numbers or words or in detailed descriptive language. At present the following marks are used in performance assessment: Sehr gut (1)/very good, Gut (2)/good, Befriedigend (3)/average, Genuegend (4)/sufficient and Nicht genuegend (5)/not sufficient. Objectivising measures such as exams before boards of examiners are only used for crucial decisions such as school leaving exams (Matura). For a long time assessment of pupils´ performance was not restricted to intellectual performance but also included such criteria as talent, diligence and behaviour. Today the behaviour of students in school is only assessed in reports to a limited extent (not in the final-year report). The assessment of the presentation of work has formed a part of the assessment criteria for several subjects since 1993. The performance of pupils is recorded in pupils´ reports and examination protocols. Today performance assessment is based on the continuous observation of participation in class work as well as oral, written, practical and graphic examinations.