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Lendorf, Gemeinde#

Lendorf, Carinthia, municipality in the district of Spittal an der Drau, alt. 560 m, pop. 1,772, area 34.31 km2, in the Lurnfeld basin, north-west of Spittal an der Drau. - Road construction authority (Autobahn maintenance authority), school of agriculture (in Litzlhof palace, built in the 16th century); asphalt and concrete factory. In St. Peter in Holz on the Holzer Berg mountain (part of the municipality), archaeological finds of the important Roman settlement of Teurnia; Teurnia museum (archaeological finds), conserved remains of buildings from late Antiquity and of the two early Christian churches. - Gothic parish church in St. Peter in Holz (14th and 15th centuries), frescoes on the outside walls (around 1470), legend of St. Dorothy on the inside (around 1370); late Gothic church of Maria Bichl in Feicht (15th century), beautiful high altar (17th century) and votive painting (1747); Rojachhof (former noble residence) in Rojach.