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Los-von-Rom-Bewegung ("Away from Rome" movement), political anti-Papist movement of German-national groups in Austria around G. v. Schoenerer, fiercely hostile to the Catholic Church and parties belonging to the church. The Los-von-Rom movement was outlined in 1882 by the Linz Programme and was triggered in 1897 in reaction to the Baden language regulations. To leave the Catholic Church and turn to Protestantism was its main concern, the objective being to prepare the unification of Austria with the German Reich. In Germany, the Evangelical League and the Gustav-Adolf Society promoted the Los-von-Rom movement However, only 14,835 people converted to Protestantism or the Old-Catholic Church at its peak between 1898 and 1901. Soon after, the movement ended as a "bitter satire on its founders" (F. Funder). Publications: "Der Scherer", "Odin", "Die Flamme", "Die Wartburg", etc.


F. Stauracz, Los von Rom, 21901; G. David, Die Entwicklung der Los-von-Rom-Bewegung (bis 1899), 1906; K.-R. Trauner, Die Los-von-Rom-Bewegung, 1999.