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Magnates´ Conspiracy. Dissatisfied with the Peace Treaty of Vasvar concluded by Emperor Leopold I and the Turkish sultan on August 10, 1664, Hungarian nobles entered into a conspiracy against the Emperor, which was revealed in 1670. As a consequence the Austrian government had four of the ringleaders - Magnate Count Peter Zrinyi (Banus of Croatia), Franz Christoph Frangipani (margrave of Istria), Count Franz Nádasdy and the Styrian Count H. E. v. Tattenbach arrested; they were sentenced to death on April 23 and 25, 1671; executions took place on April 30 in Vienna and Wiener Neustadt and on December 1 in Graz (Tattenbach). This severe punishment and the outbreak of the Counter-Reformation in Hungary fuelled dissatisfaction and eventually led to a rising of the Kuruc rebels, the ( Kuruc Invasions) and the great Turkish Wars (1683-1699).


T. M. Barker, Doppeladler und Halbmond, 1982.