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unbekannter Gast

Maleta, Alfred#

b. Moedling (Lower Austria), Jan. 15, 1906, d. Salzburg, Jan. 16, 1990, law graduate and politician (Austrian People's Party, OeVP). 1934 First Secretary of the Chamber of Labour, Upper Austria, 1938 to 1941 in a concentration camp, then military service. 1945 founding member of the Austrian People's Party, OeVP, 1951 to 1960 OeVP Secretary-General and 1960 to 1971 Deputy Chairman; 1945 to 1975 member of the Nationalrat, 1953 to 1962 Party Chairman; 1961 to 1962 3rd President, 1962 to 1970 1st President, 1970 to 1975 2nd President of the Nationalrat; advocate of the "large coalition" between SPOe and OeVP.


Entscheidung fuer Morgen. Christl. Demokratie im Herzen Europas, 1968.