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unbekannter Gast

Mataja, Heinrich#

b. Vienna, March 14, 1877, d. Vienna, Jan. 23, 1937, lawyer and politician (Christian Socialist); half brother of Viktor Mataja. 1910-1918 member of the Vienna Municipal Council; stressed the anti-Semitic principles of the Christian Social Party. 1930-1918 member of the Reichsrat, 1918-1919 member of the Provisional National Assembly, 1919-1920 member of the Constituent National Assembly, 1920-1930 member of the Nationalrat, 1918/1919 Staatssekretaer for Internal Affairs; Nov. 20, 1924 to Jan. 14, 1926 Foreign Minister; 1931 driven out of all political functions. Welcomed the Christian Corporate State and sympathized with the idea of an Austrian Nation, found recognition again in the corporate state.


Oe. Politik im 11. und 20. Jh., 1935.


E. Jelinek, Der polit. Lebensweg Dr. H. M., doctoral thesis, Vienna 1970; OeBL; NDB.