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unbekannter Gast

Matsch, Franz senior#

b. Vienna, Sept. 16, 1861, d. Vienna, Oct. 5, 1942, painter and sculptor; father of Franz Matsch jr.; studied and worked with G. Klimt and E. Klimt 1883 to 1892, contributed to the interior decoration of the Vienna "Burgtheater", of the Kunsthistorisches Museum and of the University of Vienna. Broke with Klimt over the faculty pictures at the University. 1893 to 181901 teacher at the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts. 1911 to 1917 designed the "Anker-Uhr" clock in Vienna's first district on the "Hoher Markt". Ennobled in 1912.


H. Giese, F. M., doctoral thesis, Vienna 1976; F. von M., exhibition catalogue, Vienna 1982; OeBL; NDB.