Metternich, Pauline Fürstin geborene Gräfin Sándor#
b. Vienna, Feb. 25, 1836, d. Vienna, Sept. 18, 1921, granddaughter of Prince Clemens Wenzel Lothar Metternich, niece and wife of Prince Richard Klemens Metternich. Played an important role at her husband´s side in the social and cultural life of Dresden and Paris, and from 1870 of Vienna (carnival of flowers in the Prater from 1866, charity festivities, international theatre and music exhibition 1892).
Geschehenes, Gesehenes, Erlebtes, 1920; Éclairs du Passe, 1922; Erinnerungen, ed. by L. Mikoletzky, 1988.Literature#
T. Wassilko, Fuerstin P. M., 1959; NDB.